Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More power than we know...

We have so much more power than we can imagine, we are capable of great things, if we just believe...
Read this, I like it:


The dreams you choose to believe in come to be.
When you feel in your innermost being
that you will achieve what you set out to do,
you open the way for miracles.

Choose to believe something good can happen.
Expecting it to happen energizes your goal
and actually gives it momentum.
What you expect to happen, happens.

If you expect to succeed, you'll succeed.

©2006 by Max Steingart

To Your Success!

Birgit Jurock

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Advice of a multi-billionaire

I HAVE to share this with you:

Late night legend, David Letterman, interviewed billionaire Donald Trump not long ago on The David Letterman show. Letterman asked "The Donald" what he would do if he lost everything and had to start over from scratch.

Trump's response was that he would find a great network marketing company and get to work. When he received some hisses and boos from the audience, he looked out at them with complete and total authority and responded "That's why I'm sitting up here and you are all sitting out there!"

Heed the advice of a multi-billionaire...

To Your Success!

Network Marketing