Saturday, June 03, 2017

Always Build Your Own Leads List

Always build your own Leads List. Why? Because ... The Money is in Your Own List

The money is in your own leads list!

The leads list, YOUR leads list, belongs to YOU! It is your most important asset when you are involved with internet marketing and network marketing. It is YOURs, for many years to come.

So now, here, I have a question for you:

Why then would you build a list for somebody else when you can do it for yourself?

So often I see that many are advertising, marketing, emailing their affiliate programs without using a lead capture page. They are loosing all the leads to the company and they could easily CAPTURE LEADS for their OWN LIST.  And it’s really not so hard. All you need to do is ... find, create, make your own, lead capture site.

Choose the right Tools to build your own List

  • 1.)  You will need a website (there are free websites available like, or get a domain name and host our own
  • 2.)  a capture page to get your prospects to sign up for your info
  • 3.)  autoresponder to follow up with YOUR leads and spread the word about your business OR, create groups in your gmail and send emails out to your leads with BCC,
  • see also how to save time with Gmail's Canned Responses

Focus on building your list of leads and prospects, the more subscribers you have the better your income will grow and build your credibility in whatever you are trying to convey as your expertise.

Running a successful online business isn’t rocket science but it does require Commitment, Work, the  RIGHT TOOLS, and the right people around you. Start taking control of your future and be SUCCESSFUL. 

This is to YOUR Success!

Monday, February 20, 2017

It is NOT too late to start Mining Bitcoins

Too many Questions ...

Bitcoins are becoming more and more "main stream". More and more people know about Bitcoins, have heard about it .. .  ,  think they know ;-)  but really, who hasn't heard about bitcoins by now. That may be ALL, heard it, but what is it ? How does it work? How to get some?

How to get your first Bitcoins? 

For many (most?) this is still a huge mystery.

I was there when Bitcoins started, followed for the first 2 years, then lost interest. Geez. One BIG Opportunity missed there.

However, although the train has left the station a while ago, the train has not arrived yet, it is NOT too late to pick up where I got off the train, I think it is NOW more important than ever to get back and continue learning.

Start receiving Bitcoins with MINING.

I had seen ads for a while, but somehow, MINING seemed "scary to me". Can't really explain.

In the beginning, years ago, you had to use your computer, download things, that's where I lost interest, was just too complicated for me.

Also, usually I like to know how things work, especially those things I am getting involved in. Mining though, I never understood.

The pressure is on though, not to miss the train again.

In the end, after watching a few videos, I saw there is nothing scary about MINING at all. And we are past the "must download stuff" mining, now its all in the CLOUDS ;-), or  have a look at the huge mining farms in China, Iceland ...

Learn Mining by Doing

YES! Gimmy SIMPLE please !!

And it is ... SURPRISE!

You join a MINING program (after some research, comparison ... as a newbie probably it is advisable to join those which are around for a while, less risk, makes sense?

So, you join, then you pay for a contract or a "kit".  As the company mines, .... (still a blank here for me)  .... you get paid either monthly, bi-weekly, daily ... depends on the company, output, profits etc.

Voila - you receive Bitcoins

Once you get started with Bitcoins, you can increase your Bitcoins also with Revshares.
The bitcoin value is rising constantly, now consider ... you get, earn, more bitcoins, these bitcoins raise in value ... even with some fluctuation and some days in between where the coin value "drops", the trans is UP, UP, UP.

So, keep learning, stay UP-TO-DATE. We do not have to know everything, but should know some things, the important stuff, and do not let  the"unknown", complicated developments, the future ..scare you.


P.S. For more info about the Bitcoin Value increase, Bitcoins Mining etc ... read more here

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

How to Brand Yourself on Facebook

using these Facebook strategies ...

and this works just the same on G+ or other social media sites.

My "How to Brand Yourself" Treasure Map


First of all, do SOMETHING, every day, "consistency" is key here.
Start a daily routine, make yourself a "daily action guide".

You will only see results and success when you are consistent and follow this plan DAILY!

“You cannot do the right thing on a consistent basis and receive the wrong results!”

These strategies do require effort. They require serious dedication and consistent action but if you do take massive action on this, over the next couple of months you’re going see good results and see success and start making a good income just from FB. But you MUST be consistent on a daily basis!

You cannot just "try this" for a few days and say..."oh, that does not work ..." and then stop. Of course, then it will not work. You may not see results overnight, it may take some time, but I promise you, do this a few weeks, a few months, and you will see results and will grow your friends list and you will get more followers ...

Daily Action Plan (examples)

Status Updates

1. Check all your new notifications on your Facebook personal profile.

2. Respond to everyone who commented on your posts, responds to your status updates, and those who are asking questions on your profile.

3. Respond to all messages in your Facebook personal profile inbox. Don’t forget to check the “Other” box as well ;) Take time to actually look at others' profiles.

4. Post a status update on your Facebook profile several times throughout the day. Give VALUE, donʼt pitch! Be sure to always come back each day and interact with those who have interacted
on your status updates.

5. Comment on 5 or more friends’ statuses. You can do this in groups as well.

6. Send a few positive messages every day. NO Pitching!!

7. When someone friend requests you, post a thank you on their wall. This continues to build the relationship.


Set up your Fanpage and link your Fanpage to your Personal profile (work). Post something of value or motivational on your fan page daily. E.G. take the most liked and responded to post from your profile page and share it on your fanpage.

TIP: The Fanpage should be about YOU! Not about a company. It’s about BRANDING YOU!

How to find new contacts in Facebook groups

Go to the Internet Marketing groups or other groups that you are a member of
(IM, Internet Marketing, MLM ...).

1. Click on the members tab.
2. Sort the members tab by join date.
3. Send the following message to several  people, one by one.

Please modify the message where needed. You are looking to make friends with this message, NOT sell anything. I repeat, DO NOT PITCH. DO NOT SPAM.  You are not trying to sell anything. In your conversations with them ONLY mention your company if asked.

Ask what they are doing and offer help or suggestions based on your current knowledge…

Also you are NOT to join any new opportunities. If they offer just ask them to send you a link or better yet a breakdown of the company’s comp plan so that you can compare it with how you are currently being paid.

Reach out, comment, and answer questions and interact daily.

Sample Script (example only)
Hey [their name],
How are things? Hope all is well. Just came across you in the ...  group. Have you been into
Internet marketing long? If you like, message me back, so maybe we can share some ideas?
Have a great day. Thanks [your name]

TIP: Before replying to a new message look at the person’s profile so that you can use their information to better communicate with them! DO NOT (NEVER) just ADD FRIENDS!!!! Facebook will “punish” you if you add too many friends a day (more than 4 !) or when you add friends every day. Always let people add you.


To YOUR Success!

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

3 WAYS to build YOUR Email List FREE

NEVER underestimate the value of having your own email list.

Your email list is your most important asset when you are marketing online.

Let me show you 3 FREE WAYS to build YOUR own email list for FREE. YES, it's all FREE.


FIRST you do need a capture page
, a website where prospects can enter their email address to have access to more information. This is VERY important. You need a way to "capture" email addresses of your 'leads".

I have just the tool for you ;-) It is FREE and is called the "FREE LEAD SYSTEM".

The system is already set up for you with capture pages, sales pages PLUS you receive an autoresponder with pre-written emails to follow up. I have also banners for you you can use, if you want to promote your FREE LEAD SYSTEM in traffic exchanges, or pay per click sites, revenue sharing sites etc. 


A different way to get FREE leads is by posting in social media, for example, post on your Facebook timeline about the project you are working on, working with, the program you are having success with,

share your results, what you have learned, how the team helped you etc..., then offer to send information by email, and ask your Facebook friends who are interested, to send you a private message with their email address. VOILA, then copy paste the emails to your email account/contact manager.

To save a LOT of time, check out my blog post about Gmail's Canned Responses and how it works.

When you email to your list through your email account, do not forget to use BCC and to add a "unsubscribe" option to your email.


Have you tried blogging? Start your own blog, for example with Blogger, or Wordpress.... I love using Blogger, and here is why?

First, it is very easy to set up, Blogger has great step by step instructions, you can choose from different templates, choose different back ground, you can customize the fonds, and colours, you can make it "mobile" friendly with one click of a button... 

Secondly, Google search engine LOVES Blogger ;-), US members can add their own domain name (the rest of the world hopefully soon too). You can integrate Google Analytics and site feed. You can post or share your blog on G+, ...  (Go to, check the support link for the getting started guide.)

Anyway, here you have 3 FREE ways  to build YOUR own email list. Once you have your list, you can promote and share any offers, opportunities, online programs, .. with your list.  Best is to combine all 3 ways I shared with you here today, the blog, capture pages, and social media.

And here is my TIP of the day:  Do not make the mistake and build other peoples' lists! Why would you build a list for somebody else, when you can do it for yourself? When you promote programs or opportunities without having YOUR own capture page, you lose all leads to the company you are promoting. Better build YOUR own, now you know how.

Focus on building your list of leads and prospects, most will start following you for years to come. :-)

This is to YOUR Success!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Save Time with Gmail's Canned Responses

Hey all you Gmail users, do you know what "canned responses" are and how to use "canned responses"?

I am using Canned Responses for year, but notice that many of the Gmail users have never heard about.

Canned Responses is one of my BEST Time Savers, and also it seems one of the BEST kept Secrets.

With Canned Responses you can pre-write email, for example I am using it for my "welcome to my team" or pre-written "canned" follow up emails, if I want to add a more personal note then just using my autoresponders.

Here is how you can set it up very easily.

Go to your GMAIL, and go to SETTINGS.

1. Click the Labs tab (in your settings).

find Canned Responses,
2. click the Enable radio button to enable Canned Responses, scroll down and click Save Changes.

3. Compose an email message you'd like to use over and over again (e.g. a welcome email to your new team member), and then click the arrow in the lower right-hand corner of the message window.

You can also google it or search on Youtube for a "how to set up 'Canned Responses' video.

Hope this SUPER time saver Tip helps you too :-)

To Your Success!

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

3 Ways to Attract Positive Energy

Positive energy attracts positive situations, a positive life. Attracts more success, attracts positive people and helps you achieve your goals. You will have good things happening to you when you have positive energy. 

When you are enthusiastic about what you do, 
you feel this positive energy. It's very simple.

Paulo Coelho

So how you can have positive energy when all around you, you see and feel negative energy?

Here are 3 ways to attract positive energy into your life.

1.)  Begin your day with filling your mind with positive thoughts. When you wake up, take a few minutes and be thankful for the new day, be grateful for your health, be thankful for the cup of coffee you will enjoy shortly, be thankful for new opportunities, for your family, for your job, your business, ...there are so many things you can be thankful for.

This is very good start, and you can "set your day", your energy to being positive. You are in control. Allow yourself to generate more positive energy and this will also attract more positive situations for you which in turn brings more positive energy to you. Most of the time we do not even notice that our "default" setting is set to "negative energy". Become more and more aware. 

Remember with positive energy things will work out for you and you will attract more of what you want.

2.) Now, as you go through your day avoid negative thoughts and negative people = negative energy. When you have negative thoughts, replace them. Don't fight them, acknowledge that they are there, but they do not have to rule your day, your life.

You care in control, you can change your thoughts. Think again about positive things. Remember your list from this morning of the things you have been thankful and grateful for. Listen to music, go out for a walk, make plans for a future vacation ... "Wouldn't it be nice if I ..., I love the thought of ..., wouldn't it be great if I ..."

Remember, you are in control and you can change your thoughts any time. You can activate your positive energy. Your past does not determine your future. Every minute you can change the direction.

3.)  Every day, read positive energy books. Listen to positive energy audios . Join groups with like minded people. Your life will be so much easier with positive energy. Not only will you attract more terrific, positive and optimistic people who will help you succeed, positive energy also helps you make better choices and helps you achieve the success you want. Take charge of your life. Yes, you are in charge. It is your life.

Remember to switch your negative thoughts to positive energy. Your life will be more fulfilling and rewarding. You are a powerful person. Tap into your power and let it help you succeed and live the life you want to live.

When you show deep empathy toward others, their defensive 
energy goes down, and positive energy replaces it. That's when
you can get more creative in solving problems.
Stephen Covey

This is to Your Success!

P.S. I am a big fan of ZEN12 MP3s. If you want to learn to meditate, or think you have not time to do so, or you want to stop your mental chatter, try this, I have a special offer for you, download your FREE copy of the 12 minute brainwave meditation here ...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Believe in Yourself

To be successful and to achieve the life we desire, it is very important how you think about yourself and that you believe in yourself.

Our lives could be a lot more productive, profitable and happier if we were to learn more about ourself first and trust us more.

But how do we, how can you, become more confident and believe in yourself?

The first step to believe in yourself is to understand who you really are and to be very realistic about yourself.

How do you see yourself, are you a follower or a leader? Are you courageous or rather more careful? Adventurous? Are you curious? You want to be successful, what does it mean to you? How would you feel, how do you imagine to be when you have success?

You have to understand your strengths and your capabilities. What are you able to do now, what would you like to learn more? Would you really enjoy this or maybe not at all? What do you really want to achieve and why?

Take a moment to think. Think about your strengths. Think what you can do. Think about what you have already accomplished. You don't have to be an expert in whatever you have done so far, achieved, even some knowledge in that particular field will do.

Now take a blank sheet of paper and write down these things. Arrange them in order. The first three things should be the things that you really do well, followed by things that you can do fairly well, followed by things that you can barely do but you could learn more about and and improve.

Take a look at this sheet of paper. Keep it with you always. This is what you are capable of and what you can improve upon. It is a part of what you are.

Don't believe everything other people say about you. It is important what you think and know about yourself. At the same time, don't be too critical about yourself either.

Don't judge yourself, and very important !, do NOT compare yourself with others.

Believe in yourself. You are good at something, you can always improve something. Know your potentials and know your limitations, and know what YOU really want to do and who you want to become.

This is to Your Success!

P.S. Want to learn more about, how you can change your thinking, your story? Watch Tony Robbins video here as he interviews 2 successful internet marketers and they tell their story about change ...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Top 7 Time Management Strategies

Changes don’t happen overnight ...

Top 7 Time Management Strategies

The secret to managing time successfully is being able to manage yourself. This may be the hardest part.  In order to successfully manage time there are strategies which you can use to stay more in control and relieve stress which plays a big factor in successful time management.

  • Doing too much – Time is running fast and in today’s busy world many people want things done yesterday and this only leads to rushing around and not doing a task properly, it also leads to mistakes and half-finished work with no real feeling of having accomplished anything with your time.

  •  A lack of priorities – this is the single biggest cause of time wasting, in order to successfully manage time we have to know exactly what our priorities are for the day, by not prioritizing we spend too much time on the minor things and not enough time on the important ones.
  •  Interruptions – We cannot really avoid those sometimes, and other times they are really welcomed. Knowing how to successfully deal with interruptions in your daily life is essential to time management.
  • Procrastination – Thinking about what you have to do instead of actually getting on and doing it is one of the biggest time wasters in your day, reduce the amount of time that you spend thinking about it. Plan it instead and this leaves you more time for doing.
  • Learn to say “no” - many of us just cannot say the words “no” when asked if we mind doing something, this is usually out of fear of upsetting the other person, but if you are taking on the responsibilities of others then you are taking time away from your own workload or tasks and essentially robbing yourself of that precious time which leads to stressing you out.
  •  Clutter – look around your desk or workspace, do you know where everything is? If you are asked for a file can you lay your hands on it or do you have to go rummaging to find it?, a cluttered desk or workspace is a time waster.
  •  Avoid multi-tasking – starting many different projects at the same time is not a very efficient way of managing time, try to complete one project before starting out on another, this gives you the satisfaction of seeing the project complete and knowing you have accomplished something with your time.

Changes don’t happen overnight

Remember when making a decision, no decision is right or wrong, decisions are merely making a choice among alternatives. Any changes that you make are going to require time and effort on your part; they won’t happen overnight simply because you want to change. You must set your mind to devoting your efforts to what you want to change and develop and focus on them until you get there.
If you work hard on your job, you make a living.
If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune. ~ Jim Rohn
This is to YOUR Success!

If you enjoyed this post please comment and share if you want.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Success and Patience

To succeed you must have patience.

According to Wikipedia, Patience (or forbearing) is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one can take before negativity. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.

Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow that is patience. – Unknown

There is a proverb that goes “all good things come to those who wait.” BUT I must add, waiting alone is not enough. Good things do not come to those who just wait. Good things come to those who wait, but who also actively do something about their situation while they are waiting.

Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength. – Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

It has never been easy to be patient, but it’s probably harder now than at any time in history.We are able to send and receive messages instantly, we start a motor by just pushing a button, we have information available only with a few clicks of a mouse (and complain already when it takes 2 seconds instead of three LOL).

The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen. – Ralph Marsdon

Anything worthwhile takes time to grow and mature. So, our patience is required to succeed. It is the nature of things and the law of time that you cannot immediately reap what and where you have sown.
Patience is the companion of wisdom. – St. Augustine

We all have to learn to be patient with ourselves. We are not perfect and we will make mistakes along the way. Understand that you are on the right track and headed in the right direction, however many mistakes and setbacks you may encounter on the way. And remember; don’t just look forward to and anticipate reaching your destination. Enjoy the journey too.

This is to YOUR Success!

If you enjoyed this post please comment and share if you want.

P.S.  To start making great changes in your life, start to make changes in the mindset areas that are acting as the roadblocks to your success. How? Find my recommendations here that can help you.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

On the road to success - are we there yet?

Are you on the Road to Success?

Everything that happens to us happens in purpose or for a reason.

And sometimes, one thing leads to another. So, instead of going into hiding and crying over past heartaches, embarrassment and failures, treat them as your teachers and they will become your tools in both self improvement and success.

When does self improvement become synonymous with success? Where do we start?

*Stop thinking and feeling as if you are a failure, because you are not. How can others accept you if YOU can’t accept YOU? Your feelings are very powerful and what you feel may not be real at all.

*Do NOT compare yourselves with others, e.g. models and actors on TV!  Do not pity yourself, but think more on self improvement. What can you do to improve your situation (weight, looks, happiness etc).  Self acceptance is not just about having nice slender legs, or great abs. Concentrate on inner beauty.

*When other people feel down and low about themselves, help them move up. But be careful: Don’t go down with them. They will pull you down further and both of you will end up feeling inferior.

*The world is a large room for lessons, not mistakes. Don’t feel stupid and doomed forever just because you failed on a science quiz. There’s always a next time. Make room for self improvement.

*Take things one at a time. Self improvement is a one day at a time process. Remember: How to eat an elephant? One bite at a time...

*Self improvement results to inner stability, personality development and dig this …. SUCCESS. It comes from self confidence, self appreciation and self esteem.

*Little things mean BIG to other people. Sometimes, we don’t realize that the little things that we do like a pat on the back, saying “hi” or “hello”, greeting someone “good day” or telling Mr. Smith something like “hey, I love your tie!” are simple things that mean so much to other people. When we’re being appreciative about beautiful things around us and other people, we also become beautiful to them.

*When you’re willing to accept change and go through the process of self improvement, it doesn’t mean that everyone else is. The world is a place where people of different values and attitude hang out. Sometimes, even if you think you and your best friend always like to do the same thing together at the same time, she would most likely decline an invitation for self improvement.

*We should always remember that there’s no such thing as ‘over night success’. It is always a wonderful feeling to hold on to the things that you already have now, realizing that those are just one of the things you once wished for. A very nice quote says that “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

Find a selection of FREE ebooks here ...

We are all here to learn our lessons.

When we open our doors for self improvement and minds set training, we will head into the right direction, to the road of success.

If you enjoyed this post please comment and share if you want.

P.S. In case you are looking for a team to join, that builds also passive income and supports you, with tools and training, you found it.  Get more info here ...